Error Messages for Windows 3.0
Look up MS Windows error codes.

BurnInTest 8.1.1023
PC reliability and stability testing.

Clean Assistant 4.70
A handy utility to perform system cleanup.

Disk Space Recovery Wizard 2012
One Click PC cleaner and system optimizer

FolderInfo 2.34
Disk usage analyzer and cleaner

Keep your computer waste files free.

4Diskclean Gold 3.00
Optimize your system and disks.

4Diskclean Lite 2.0
Optimize your system and disks.

WashAndGo 2014p
Scrubbing brush for for your Windows-System

CleanDisk 3.2
Keep your hard disk free from junk files

All Cleaner 1.0
Protect your privacy and clean your system.

Total Control 2.3
Tweak and boost Windows and Internet speed.

Turbo Memory 1.0
Boost the physical memory...

Diagnostic tool for DICOM files.

fitW (fine tuning of Windows)
Utility for fine tuning of Windows 9x/Me/2000

Watchdog - O - Matic 5.02.1097
Keep your programs running

System LifeGuard 2.0
Keep your PC like new with 15 essential tools

Startup Sentry 1.00
Startup application and driver monitoring.

CDCheck 3.0
File error detection and recovery.

PurgeIE 9.02
Purge Cache, Cookies and Tracks for I. E.

RESTrick Control Panel
Tune your computers with your requirements

WinClean Booster 2.0
A smart and safe tool that boosts your O.S

Tweaki...for Power Users 4.3.5
Windows Configuration and Management Tool

MetriScope (with Windows Pack) 3.2.1
A visual, plug-in based monitoring tool.

Fresh Diagnose 8.67
Analyze, scan, and benchmark your PC

Memory Optimizer 2002a
Boost your PC's speed and reliability.

Memory Status 1.00
Improve system performance

Cache Speed 2.05
Makes your computer go faster.

NitroBOOT 3.1
Manage your Windows startup with this tool.

NitroRAM 1.31
Make your computer go faster.